Monday, April 3, 2017

Handstand Champ!

Ay what’s up guys! Sorry I don’t have a lot of time today so I’ll make it fast. We have actually been in Punta Arenas all week, since last Wednesday...and I only brought clothes for 2 days because I thought we would be here for just 2 days. But there were some complications with my companion and money and the law (nothing bad) and what not so we had to stay a few extra days ha-ha so we are still here and we should be leaving tomorrow. But this week was awesome! I absolutely LOVED conference so much! So awesome!  I took a bunch of notes and it’s definitely going to help out a lot of our investigators. The talks are just so inspired! I’m not sure what my favorite talk was because I left my journal at home so I don’t really remember but I remember I really liked the Ulisses Soares guy from the first session, I remember that I really thoroughly enjoyed his talk a lot.

Anyways not much has happened this week because we’ve been kicking it here in Punta Arenas and helping out the sectors here. By the way the climate is super ugly right its super cold and raining which is weird because it like never rains here. One of the taxistas was telling us that it might snow at the end of this month which’ll be interesting ha-ha. Anyways Dad would be proud, today we went and played sports with the whole zone and we all had a hand stand competition and I won! I totally thought I wouldn’t be able to do one still but I actually can hold it pretty long still. We went to an investigators house for lunch today, he was the investigator that went to Porvenir for a day and we hit it off and taught them and stuff and then went back to Punta Arenas. He Invited us and 2 other missionaries here for lunch so we went and ate some salmon and then we made cookies and it was actually super fun! They’re actually the people that I sent a picture of last week! We spent a while there, that’s why I don’t have much time ha-ha. Anyways that’s all I can really remember that was all too interesting, sorry for the worst letter I’ve sent yet haha. Chao! 

By the way people here always guess when gringos are gringos from their accent but people always guess I’m from Spain or something. They tell me I speak with like a perfect Spanish Spain accent, so I guess it’s  kind of a compliment! At least I don’t sound gringo haha!

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